wow time sure does fly by fast its almost November we have had really great wheater here in Chicago. I tried to post a couple time on here but then I realized I had forgotten my password so I didnt bother but this afternoon I met with Sarah Barlow and she is very motivational person. So Im posting once again. I have been very busy traveling for competitions in west coast siwng all over the states and I just got my first free rountrip with Southwest because I have flown so much. Yeah! Next weekend I will be in Boston for another competition. Im believing God to have a great flight I'll be flying stand-by with American for the first time. kinda scary.. any tips would be helpful. Im praying that I make it there and back on time I went this route because it was discounted and I was purchasing it last minute. Oh well I guess better prepare next time. The pics are of me and Brad Sweeney we took first In advance strictly swing