Friday, January 19, 2007


How do you handle it? Its important to understand how you react to it. Is it something that keeps you down for awhile? Do you get very emotional then let it go just as quickly? If you dont know how you handle it then. How can other people help you out? When you need to lean on them. I recently had to endure this feeling and was thinking not many people talk about. Also how do you learn to handle it? If you've never been rejected in something really big or important. I mean little things here or there for me are just like nothing. example:If you make pictures in your mind like I do, I think of them as little dandelion seeds that just float away in the spring. But big things that you just cant seem to accept or wrap your mind around. picture: Big rock or brick falling out of know where right on your toes as you walk down the street. Thats alot tougher and I tend to try and carry it by my self. Which is silly! If Im walking with Christ. Picture: Jesus as a gentleman walking down the street along side you He can carry the heavy things in my life that are to big or to much for me to handle.


J@KE said...

Psalms 131:1 My heart is not proud, O LORD, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.

This is one of my favorite verses because as I learn to lean on my Savior the list of things that are too great and wonderful for me grows longer....... And the best thing is.... God loves it!

How great is our God!

Great post,

J@KE out.

becca said...

thanks jake thats so encouraging!

Ben said...

Um, excuse me - do you know someone who finished second at the MADJam WCS Newcomer J&J?

becca said...

yes I do and Im glad to see you found me. cool, cool

McPherson said...

Rebecca, If I believe that it is my Father God who defines me and gives me meaning and purpose then the opinions and evaluations and appraisals of others do not matter and I can just take them and place them in Father's hands.

It can be tempting to think that criticism should be taken to heart since it can help you grow and change. If all "criticism" was given in love this would be wise but as it is not, I do not take any of it to heart. I take it all to God and let Him reveal truth about it, about me, my performance and my heart and I let Him be the one who defines me.

If I am doing ok and the criticism is just bashing He will protect me from it and heal my heart. I trust Him to show me the truth. If there is any correction needed, His rod and staff are actually comforting, not abusive. He knows how to Father me and form me.

You are right in saying that it is important to know how you handle rejection - it will reveal where your treasure is. Does it rest in the standards and opinions of people or on the Heart of God my Maker? I love your picture of walking with Jesus carrying your stuff. I needed that!