So If you were to sit down and think about how many times a day we are in constant movement you would most certainly get tired out from it. Good thing God gave us a subconscious mind so we don't worry our pretty little heads over it. But next lets look at how much we interact with other people in movement....and I don't mean walking by a college and handing them a envelope or bumping into a lady at the grocery store. No, No I mean really giving of your self like; a hug or a back rub, taking a quite walk together or even a dance in the rain. These are things that we can count on our fingers how many times we have had contact and movement with other people. But you say to me "I don't like any one or I have significant other these are to romantic for just friends."
That's just it If we block out these parts of life because we think some one might take it the wrong way. Well then we aren't really living. A hug is wonderful gesture that as a kid you could give it to any one, any time you pleased even if it was Mister Scrooge he would smile. I don't know why I'm writing all this but I just think sometimes people get lonely and we build a wall and then we don't even realize how we got so uptight. Peace