Whose a real friend; some 1 you grew up with? or is it a friend of a friend? maybe just aquaintences. You met randomly at a concert and have been connected at the hip ever since. Whatever the case, you just know that no matter what, no matter where you go in life you both will be in touch and watching out for each others back. Is it some thing that grows on you? or do you know instently you were ment to be kindred spirits? I was just thinking about how we percieved people as our friends. let me know what ya think
A real friend can tell you that you are wrong and though you may be mad at the moment, you'll always value their opinion and treasure the time you spend together. True friends help you down the path of righteousness and encourage you when your foot slips. The friends I want to have are the ones that will stick-it-out through thick and thin and I thank God that I have some or else I might not even be here right now.
Great thought provoking post. :-)
hmm sounds like your on to something. I appreciate your friendship and hope you keep checking out my blog. thanks
A True friend will tell you the truth always. They will never tell you what you want to hear for the sake of saving the friendship, because they know that in a life long friendship there are no wrong answers, just honest ones.
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